Saturday, November 11, 2017

The completed painting. Though not everyone likes the amount of detail that I put in my work, I am personally content with this painting in that it has the 'feel' of the rainforest that I was aiming for.
Next I shall continue to prepare for my oil still life and the next painting in my 'Tea Garden' series of watercolours.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The right hand side of the composition is now taking shape and will add more dimension to the work, I think.
I have also added a soft shadow to the base of the tree on the left foreground as I wanted to enhance the direction of the main light source.
I am contemplating adding a few large dark leaves at the extreme top left to 'throw back' the background even further. This is by no means a final decision, as I will decide right at the end if it will enhance the painting.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

  Most of the right hand side of the painting will be dark, as the rainforest is more dense there, but I shall superimpose some very dark, larger leaves, over the top on the right hand side to 'throw back' the path section that is furthest away. The darker distance leaves will also be given a deeper perspective when this is done.