Friday, March 31, 2017

There is a lot of white on this cow with the traditional dark patches. This is the underpainting on one of the patches. There will need to be much detail overpainted to give the texture of the skin and the light quality that I am trying to achieve. The white areas will need lots of subtle colour changes but yet still look 'white'. This side of the face is mostly in shadow with the light coming from the right of the painting.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

My new commission started. When I am painting an animal or a human portrait, I like to start with the eyes. I feel that the character and personality of the subject is revealed through the eyes, in essence they are the 'window to the soul"! Lots of fine detail to go.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

This may be difficult to see as it is just an outline guide for a watercolour painting of a head of cattle. I have a tentative commission to paint this, almost iconic and prevalent view, for a client who wants to give a 21st birthday gift to her daughter. They are also interested in a painting of the rainforest which I shall also complete regardless of confirmation to proceed.
I have no doubt that the commission will be required, as it is from an ex-colleague. When doing commissions, I like to complete two to give the client a choice.