Sunday, December 4, 2016

This slide show will show the progression of the painting up to date. There has been negligible additions since the last post.
On a personal note, the accompanying soundtrack is a sound bit of my son playing the Beethoven concerto at a concert in Melbourne in 2015.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

With the zip completed and some highlights added to the hair, the portrait is almost complete.
I am considering adding a little more tone to the pillow and more intensity to the shadow across the face but have not made a final decision on this yet. I may wait a couple of days before finally deciding, as I think that living with the painting for a short while and looking at it away from a painting session will give me a more objective view.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Though it is not very clear in this shop, I have added the second press stud on the extreme edge and started to form the shape of the zip elements. I also changed the tone of the book cover slightly to give it a more even coverage of paint tone.
The real sunlight is casting a ray of light across the bottom left of the painting which 'washes out' the tone of the paint on the edge of the canvas, but that is the nature of my studio in the mornings.