Saturday, May 28, 2011

Poinciana update

I have been working on the poinciana for a while and am happy with the way its coming along. I have blocked in the background with dark green shadows and placed a few of the fern-like leaves interspaced between the flower area. The similarity between the poinciana and the jacaranda is that the tree shows either all leaves or nearly all flower at the right point in the season. This is why I chose to complete them in the same format. This is not the best of photos as the green of the leaves is not clear but gives an idea of how the painting is progressing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jacaranda completed

Having just completed the jacaranda, it has now been processed and I am just waiting for the filt to update my website. I have started it's 'sister' painting of the poinsiana tree in flower. It is the same sizr and shape. I am still trying to make the composition similar but the paintings will stand alone and not necessarily be shown together. I also added a small painting of the lacewing butterfly which was done some time ago and has been languishing in my portfolio.
The final rose painting has also been added to the rose collection. The two yellow rose originals belong to my wife, given as an anniversary present and also to replace a larger yellow rose painting that she owned and was sold a few years ago.
 A couple who saw my work in 'Framed, The \Darwin Gallery, discovered my address and visited me to discuss a commission. When they came to the house they saw the rose painting on the wall and asked to buy it instead of my doing a commission. I believe that it now lives overseas. Look out for an update on the poinciana soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jacaranda update

The jackaranda painting is nearing completion and the composition is taking shape. The colour of jacaranda flowers can be tricky as, in prints and photographs, it tends to be on the warm side of the spectrum but, in life, I find it on the cool side which is the spectrum area I am using. Of course in the Australian light the early morning light assists the blue area of the spectrum and the afternoon light the warm areas of the spectrum.

Monday, January 31, 2011

New work

I have started the jaccranda painting in a long, horizontal, narrow format and have created a triangular composition but , because of the narrow shape I included a number of secondary triangles to keep it interesting. I have decided to make the left hand side of the painting darker to keep the eye moving across the subject. Watch this space for a photographic image soon.
If you visit the gallery page of my website at  you will find two paintings of Pudgee, who used to live on the next block. I have completed a number of sketches of her and, with my wife, will be preparing a children's picture book about her move to a new home. The project is expected to take some time but we are looking forward to visiting Pudgee in her new home to gather more inspiration and experience her mischievious but lovable personality. If the sketches photograph well, I shall post them in a few days.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

painting completed

I have just completed the white gum flower painting and will include it on my web page as soon as it can be processed. Art House Reproduction have been delayed because of the terrible floods in Brisbane so will not be able to process it for a few days.
I am happy with the completed painting and hope that the composition leads the viewers eye to the flowered area. There is some contrast between the rather busy flowered area and the group of leaves on the left of the painting which are less cluttered, but this section is also placed to guide the viewers eye to the flowers.
One tip for users of the masking fluid - make sure that your solution is fresh and don't leave it on the painting too long as it makes it difficult to remove.
I have photographed it on the easel which gives an indication of the size of the image.
Onward now to my next project. I am toying with the idea of making the jacaranda a long, horizontal image but we shall see once I have sketched the images.